
Sunday, April 24, 2011

To Defend or Not To Defend? Which is legal?

Now I am a very compassionate person and usually act like a grandma since I work with kids, so its in my nature to worry and coddle.  I usually am sympathetic to most causes and often give the beneit of the doubt.  I'm that girl who gets stood up and thinks well maybe his car broke down or his phone was stolen so he couldn't reach me.  However, when it comes to obligations, I get a little indignant.  Meaning I favor choice.

I was watching the news the other night and the report was very disturbing.  Apparently, a transgendered woman/man/IDK was beaten to the point she/he/it had a seisure in the corner of a Baltimore Mcdonalds.  This was all caught on videotape by an employee that worked at the Mcdonalds.  The two girls who beat her (I'll just say her since that what she appears to look like) were 14 and 18 years old.  They were mad because their boyfriends had hit on the transgendered girl and decided to take their anger out on her.  

There are so many issues with this one scenario that this case could become monumental.  The first being the possible hate crime associated since it is a transgendered person.  The second being, the fact that a 14 year old would have the audacity or even the mentality that it is approriate behavior to beat and kick another person until the point of a seizure. But the issue that I'd like to address is:  Are the employeess who stood by and did nothing accountable for the girl's beating? 

This is a very touchy subject, especially for those who have been bullied, jumped or had to fight a lot growing up.  The girl who was beaten is suing the employees for not helping her.  Now, granted I've stopped fights or attempted to break up fights because I'm a teacher, however, if I were on the street... No Mam.  I am not going to risk my health for the sake of yours.  Yes, I will call 911.  Yes, I will yell STOP!  Yes, I will try to help calm the situation before you get the snot beat out of you.  But there is no way in this world am I going to jump in a fight between two or more grown people that has nothing to do with me.    People these days do not value life.  Who says that the person beating you doesn't have a knife, gun or a freakin machete. Yes, I said machete... it could happen. This person could have trained with the masters and know the art of the lotus dragon or some crap.   

So does she have a case?  Should these on lookers, employees of McDonalds, have helped her?  Yes, if that was their choice to do so.  If they are found guilty, that sets the precidence that anyone who witnesses a fight must then take action to stop it.  MUST.  Legally obligated at that point.

This would sit fine with me a little bit if it weren't for the case that happened last year where 2 or 3 security guards stood by while a teen girl was jumped by a group of teens.  Yes, SECURITY GUARDS.  So that seems like an open and shut case.  NOPE.  Reporters soon found out that the security guards weren't legally supposed to help.  Its not in their contract.  They are supposed to alert the police.  That is it.

So why is it that we as citizens are supposed to be held to a higher standard than that of security guards.  Their job purpose is to protect, not mine.

I feel bad for this girl/boy but you can't sue people for not helping you. If you can I'm going to start suing a whole bunch of folks!!



  1. WTF???!!! It makes me more and more scared for my kid to grow up. These days the parents are so young that they don't care... it's like they don't have the time for their kids anymore.... This story saddens me in such a deep sense. Yes, I am guilty of watching a fight but I honestly can't expect to get the lights beaten out of me for same reasons you stated above.... sad.... Sodem and Gamora (spelling?) that's all I have to say... don't look back!

  2. There is no case... Period. I worked for many companies and fighting (including assisting or breaking up a fight) at the work place or any form of physical confrontation is immediate grounds for termination. The only problem would be if the employee at McDonalds did not show the cops the recording from the phone and just uploaded the video to youtube. But you make a valid point of the younger generation not caring for human life. Very sad but true. Like what miss erick with a K stated it all comes down to parenting...(should there be a common sense assesment for having children)....joking

  3. it should of been Nick and not lib301
