The only thing constant in this world is change. But waiting for change to come, can seem like it will never will. Every day I think about my life, my past mistakes, my future goals, and how I can learn from my mistakes to create a better tomorrow. And trust I have made enough mistakes to write a self-help book; Steve Harvey would have nothing on me!
From school, to love and relationships, I have faced many failures just like everyone else in the world. But the thing about failure is to not wallow in the fact that you did not succeed, but to figure out what went wrong and not repeat. I repeat, do NOT repeat.
My latest self-revelation came from an email sent to me from a good friend about relationships. For awhile, I believed I sent out the wrong vibe or carried myself the wrong way to attract the lames, whores, and relationship-phobic men that I've encountered. However, this particular article claimed that most men you meet are not going to be what you want anyway. Not saying that all men are dogs or that they're substandard, but many may not be your preference, ie. education, ambition, religion, attractiveness etc.
So the question that remained was "Why was I always dealing with the BS of poor relationships or lack of one?" It was because I accepted these non-qualifying men into my life. There is always a choice when you meet someone of whether you continue getting to know him/her or quickly accessing that he/she has nothing to contribute to your life.
I know when I was younger and naive to the dating dos and don'ts, I allowed males in my life who were typical college males with no intention of falling in love. However, on the cusp of my 26th birthday, I should not still be having the same issues. Sadly, many of the same issues my girls are having.
So now what? How do I change a behavior that I have been doing since college? One is realizing good things come to those who wait. Yes, I feel as though I've waited an excruciating long time as it is already but as my path diverges, I can take the road less traveled and wait for the one who is Mr. Right. Two, being genuinely OK with being single. I say this because many girls, myself included, get on this "I am Woman, hear me Roar!" soapbox and then accept the next little scraggly thing that hollers at them. Yes, it is nice to have someone to wish you goodnight, but if that person isn't who you want, what good is it? Third, being honest about what and who I want and those who, as much as I would like them to be Mr. Right, simply are not. This includes all guys who you swear up and down will change, have promised to change or you think you can change. The reality of the situation is, they are not going to change. There may be exceptions, but you can wait around for that and tell me how that works out for you.
I haven't figured out what else I will do on this new journey for myself, but that's half the fun.